Our Mission

To develop community partnerships and collaborations in order to assist individuals with the building of a village network and support. Every person we serve will build strong connections within their community and neighborhood. To provide a sense of belonging and investment to each person we serve.


Every person, every community support, and every community partner will develop in areas of leadership, support, and connections.


V.E.C.S. was established in March of 2020

V.E.C.S. encompasses a collaborative alliance with community leaders, organizations, and providers of developmental services. This vision is rooted in empowerment and faith where side by side as a collective we lift up the royal crown of families, individuals, and the community.

events happening

About V.E.C.S.

Village Empowerment Collaborative Services was established in October of 2016. With two years of development and training, our official launch was August of 2018. V.E.C.S. has maintained a positive and effective relationship with Northwest Local School District. We have served over 60 families and 12 youth.

V.E.C.S. encompasses a collaborative alliance with community leaders, organizations, and providers of developmental services. This vision is rooted in empowerment and faith where side by side as a collective we lift up the royal crown of families, individuals, and the community. We encourage families to find hope and joy within each other while developing a strong sense of unity.

Want to learn more?

Contact us today and discover how our services can benefit you and your family!

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Lisa Murray
Lisa MurrayCEO/Founder of VECS

Lisa envisions a team of individuals coming together, with their own skill set and experiences, for the betterment of families and communities across Cincinnati. She believes that the Village Empowerment Community Services is important because the concept embraces the old belief during a time where communities came together and helped each other.

“It truly takes a village to raise a child, to pour into each other, and to build a community across any area code or zip code. The community is all around us, everywhere we go not just where we live.”

Her personal experience with trauma gave her a different insight in regards to those struggling with mental health issues, addiction and/or a lack of belonging. She aspires for the V.E.C.S. to bridge the gap and better assist those individuals. Being the youngest of four children in a single parent household she understands the impact a strong sense of community and outside support could have on a family in need like her own. Inspired by her own journey she created V.E.C.S. so that this generation of families can go through fewer struggles and have better access to resources that could increase their quality of life.

SEE our team

“Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

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